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The Big 30 team have recorded all the interviews for The Big 30 Archive, so we have started listening to them to find out what stories our artists, volunteers and friends have told about the past 30 years of learning disability culture and Heart n Soul.

We’re very excited to preview our very first clip from the interviews featuring The Fish Police. In the clip below we hear guitarist Matt playing his guitar when Dean, The Fish Police frontman, starts speaking spontaneously about a magazine in time with the rhythm.

We’ve also created word clouds to show which subjects were discussed the most by the Big 30 interviewees. The word cloud on the left shows us which subjects were discussed in the interview with The Fish Police. The biggest words are the subjects that were discussed the most, so for the band it was 'Heart n Soul' 'playing' 'live' 'New York' 'guitar' 'first' and 'music'.

You'll be able to discover stories from all The Big 30 interviews on this website later in the year as well as through art installations and events in our Big 30 Summer Takeover

Keep an eye out for more previews of our Big 30 interviews on our News page.

aprilSandra Reynolds